Shakespeare said "All the world's a stage . . ." I agree! I believe that life is one big improvisation! I love helping leaders explore the way art and creativity can improve life and intersect with the business/non-profit world! What do you want to learn today? What do you want to create? Let's do a scene!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Let's Get Critical

Face it. Critics are EVERYWHERE. No matter what you do, you will be criticized by SOMEONE. If you are doing something new, something different, something CREATIVE -at some point, you are going to be criticized. It is all part of putting yourself OUT there.

I wish I could remember WHO it was that gave me this piece of advice when I was a new-ish performer, but, this person said something so wise that the ADVICE has stuck with me for years, this person said, "Michele, if you believe the GOOD reviews, you're going to have to believe the BAD reviews, too. The truth is somewhere in the middle."

How do you handle criticism? Does it push you further? Or do you give up? Does it make you angry? Does it make you pull away? Does it make you sad? Does it hurt your feelings?

I'll be honest, criticism can -and has- caused me to do and feel ANY and ALL of those things!

Some days, we are stronger than other days. But, the one thing we can do is KNOW that we will be attacked by criticism at some point.

My advice?

Brace yourself . . . Figure out how you are going to cope BEFORE the criticism happens. Figure out the best way for YOU to fill your "BANK" of love an acceptance. When you need to, go to your bank and make a withdrawal.

Some things I do, I keep a file of all the nice emails that people have sent me about my work. I write down in my calendar any nice words that people say to me. I "pin" inspirational, motivational quotes that mean something to me to my Pinterest account. When I'm low, when I need to re-charge -I look at those things in my personal bank and it makes me feel better, it uplifts me.

But, my secret weapon is to I go out and fill OTHER people's banks. When I am feeling the MOST criticized (or am criticizing MYSELF) I reach out to others and write a note of encouragement or praise. It instantly stops me from getting wrapped up in my own personal junk and focusing on loving and praising others.

How do YOU  handle criticism? What techniques do you have that could help others?

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