Shakespeare said "All the world's a stage . . ." I agree! I believe that life is one big improvisation! I love helping leaders explore the way art and creativity can improve life and intersect with the business/non-profit world! What do you want to learn today? What do you want to create? Let's do a scene!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Did your gut wrench when you read my headline? Change. Change. Change. Change. Change. Change. Change. Change. Change. Are you sweating now?

Quick, tell me: WHAT frustrates you in your life? What isn't working?

Why don't you CHANGE it? When we get into a routine; a dull, painful pattern with no variation, it is easy to get stuck and frustrated. Yet, the funny thing is so MANY of us are CHOOSING pain.

In fact, we FIGHT to keep the pain and avoid the CHANGE! We get angry. We lash out at the people or situations that (we think) are trying to FORCE us into change. In other words, we do our best to BLOCK the change.

In an improv scene, a BLOCK is going to piss off your scene partner and bore the audience. In life, it causes other people to GIVE UP on you. 

To avoid change is to avoid CREATIVITY.

I get it, I really do. CHANGE is scary. Change is uncomfortable. We KNOW what we have. We DON'T know what change will bring.

Watch a kid. Kids are great at change. They are so tuned in to that creative part of their souls that will try just about anything (until an adult tells them it is scary, right?) A baby will try to walk and fall on her butt -and LAUGH about it! She'll keep CHANGING her tactics. She'll try new ways to walk. Walking for the baby is CHANGE. This baby UNDERSTANDS that CHANGE will bring her freedom and autonomy so she keeps at it until she finds success. And then, she moves on to the NEXT thing. The NEXT change!!

With complete confidence, I can tell you what change will bring:



The point is, you're going to be complaining about the SAME things tomorrow, next week, next year, -on your deathbed- if you don't make SOME kind of change. For better or worse. 

What is your great excuse for NOT stepping IN to your unique CREATIVITY and finding a way to CHANGE what you don't love about your life? What's your great excuse for NOT trying again if the first CHANGE didn't work out in a way you liked?

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