Shakespeare said "All the world's a stage . . ." I agree! I believe that life is one big improvisation! I love helping leaders explore the way art and creativity can improve life and intersect with the business/non-profit world! What do you want to learn today? What do you want to create? Let's do a scene!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Be Gone, You Have No Power Here

Today I forgot that I have the magical superpower of choice.

Today, I received a nasty email -sent from one member- to an entire group of which I'm a part. I'm not too proud to admit that the email PISSED ME OFF when I first read it.

Has that ever happened to you? Someone's words slice into your happy day and leave you shocked, bleeding, and angry?

"What the he$* is  THINKING?" I shouted at the screen.

I stood up. Fumed around. Stomped around. Sat down and started to type a response.

Then I had this superpower flash. (Thank goodness.) I remembered that life is one big improv. For every offer (like that email) there are a zillion ways I can respond. In the privacy of my own home, responding to an email, I have the luxury of time. I have the breathing room to try out a bunch of different responses BEFORE the crazy-monkey-mad-fight-or-flight part of my brain feeds me nasty words and has me hit "reply all".

In this life-scene, the flame throwing email-writer WANTED to get a reaction -this person was writing the entire scene, instead of inviting participation! Not on my watch! From a place of calm, I was able to process it. I brainstormed a little which brought me to some realizations:

  • This person has a pattern of aggressiveness via email.
  • This person has a pattern of criticizing but not participating. 
Oh my word.

I succumbed! I gave POWER over my emotions! 

Only for a minute, though.

Then I laughed and deleted my response to the original email.

I did my best Billie-Burke-as-Glinda impersonation and said to the inflammatory email, "Be GONE. You have no power here," and deleted it.

I blocked the offer. I refused to play that scene.

With that choice I cannot re-read the email and get mad all over again.

With that choice I cut those words out of my life.

I reclaimed my super power.

I'm SO glad I didn't send that email I started.

Next time,  I won't let it bother me at all.

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