Shakespeare said "All the world's a stage . . ." I agree! I believe that life is one big improvisation! I love helping leaders explore the way art and creativity can improve life and intersect with the business/non-profit world! What do you want to learn today? What do you want to create? Let's do a scene!

Friday, March 11, 2016

The Hardest Thing to Do

In the improv of life, the hardest thing to do seems to be finding empathy and compassion for others.

We are quick to judge and quick to say what we think based on "gut" reactions.

That works great in an improv scene onstage but not so great when it relates to day-to-day living.

I cringe when I think back about the judgments I've made (and held) about people I worked with or other parents or that guy speeding in his black Audi every morning.

I'm not always a nice person. No one is always a nice person. We walk through this world viewing things through the lens of our own experience, insecurities and hang-ups.

I've learned that place where grace happens is when I'm able to find the calm and patience to step back and empathize.

Think about it, we all have crazy times where things aren't going right -we're bickering with our significant other or fighting with the kids or cleaning up dog barf when the there's a knock at the door. We straighten up, put on our best faces and answer, right? We do our damnedest to prevent the unexpected houseguest from seeing our worst.

Only those intimately close to us see the crazy and the struggles and the insecurities and the disarray.

So, if I assume that what others present to the world is their best self THAT DAY, then that's the place where I can find my empathy.

If I can judge less and empathize more maybe I can change my portion of the world. It'll be the hardest thing I ever do but, today, I'm feeling up to the challenge.

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