Shakespeare said "All the world's a stage . . ." I agree! I believe that life is one big improvisation! I love helping leaders explore the way art and creativity can improve life and intersect with the business/non-profit world! What do you want to learn today? What do you want to create? Let's do a scene!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Why be Normal? Join the Circus!

My husband and I often joke that we are the "circus family".

It's our way of saying that -in the improv of life- we happily embrace the fact that there's not much "normal" or "average" about the way we live. In the circus everyone is together but different in their talents and skills and abilities. 

Here's how it goes in our house: we sort of have a schedule, we practice tap dancing in the kitchen. We write jokes on road trips and heaven help you if you steal one of our daughter's funny "bits". Right now, there is a discarded wig in the kitchen, there are paintings drying on top of the chest freezer, our pantry is stocked with delicious home-canned pickles (courtesy of the man of the house) and lots of glitter in the craft room. We have regular dance parties in the living room (complete with a strobe light purchased at the thrift store for $3) and if you need an interactive character -complete with costume- for your event, well, one or all of us can help you out.

I also know there's NOTHING "normal" or "average" about you and/or your family!

I can prove it, too. 

Just humor me and play the statistics game with me.

Google (yes, I'm using it as a verb) "What percentage of Americans" then end that sentence with something you or your family does.

You will absolutely find that you do many things that are way below the "average". 

Here are the stats I found for our family that put us out of the "normal" or "average" range:

If you didn't do it before, take a second and try it! I'll wait.

See!!! You're NOT NORMAL! Be proud of that!!

So why do so many of us spend precious time, energy and resources trying to be "normal" -or trying to fit in to the status quo?

Today, I suggest you embrace all the things that make you different.

As my mama always used to say, "If we were all the same the world would be a pretty boring place." 

In SHREK THE MUSICAL all the fairytale creatures who've been banished to Shrek's swamp for being "different" finally decide to stand up for themselves, realizing, as Pinocchio puts it, "We may be freaks, but we're freaks with teeth, and claws, and magic wands!"

They rally their differences for the common good, they let their freak flags fly and they vanquish the bad guy.

I agree with this lyric: "All the the things that make us special are the things that make us strong."

Today, I challenge you to embrace your SPECIAL in the most positive of ways. I challenge you to embrace the things that make you different and put them to good use!

Even harder, I challenge you to accept the "not normal" in others and see where you can support and enhance each other's "not normal" to make the world a better place. 

When I used to play in the sandbox of the corporate world, I saw it time and time again. The folks who worked so hard to be normal, to not make waves, to keep their heads down and just do their jobs were the ones who were unhappiest. They were also the folks who were looked over because they didn't share what made them special, what made them different (and valuable) to the organization. 

C'mon, why be normal? Let your freak flag fly! Join the circus!

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